In my opinion, raising your vibration is the most important thing to do at this time. why does it seem so hard to maintain that high vibration?
Unlock Your Potential: Embracing Change and Trusting Your Intuition in a Shifting World
Unlock Your Potential: Embracing Change and Trusting Your Intuition in a Shifting World
Read MoreThe Awakening Process: How to break the cycle of your reactionary state
As we break the cycle of trauma, we are liberated from our reactionary state and can begin a spiritual awakening.
Read MoreHow do you experience large shifts in consciousness?
My last blog post was talking about how releasing trauma is really a shifting of a state of consciousness. Someone asked me how to shift their state of consciousness.
Read More2021 in reflection...I don't speak up very often. β β β β β
I have to admit that at times in 2021 I've found it difficult to hold optimism for humanity.
I haven't voiced my opinions very often this year, thinking back, very likely not at all...which is quite startling to realize.
Read MoreWhat is your body telling you? Do you feel fear, anxiety, or agitation? These can be our most important messengers.
We live in a complicated say the least. The current state of our society often leads us to functioning from within a state of fight-or-flight, which is a high anxiety state.
Read MoreProtect the Vote: Meditation & Prayer for a Fair Election
I don't care who you vote for. I believe that it is your right to make up your own mind and choose for yourself. Remember when people actually believed this??
Read MoreRemember to show gratitude
I was feeling bored and frustrated yesterday. It was just one of those days where nothing seems exciting and things seem to be going nowhere. You know those days?
Read MoreDon't judge yourself so harshly
Don't judge yourself so harshly. 3rd density is designed to run all of your perceptions through the sense of βyou.β This is a state of being that is designed to give the illusion of separation. The Illusion of scarcity can only exist through the illusion of separation.
Read MoreA multidimensional reality is a reality of many perspectives
This point in time is bringing much change for many people. New connections to higher dimensional aspects of yourselves allow you access to different information than you've had access to in the past. A lot of this new information that is coming in may be in conflict with information that has been taught to you within the construct of your current timeline worldview.
Read MoreIt's all just perspective...
Nothing is a coincidence, nothing is random, all is of careful design. How you react and what you hold your attention to, that is what is under your control. There are many, many ways that something can be taken in and experienced. Many ways for your mind to work with a single situation or piece of knowledge. The eye of the beholder is the saying for this...
Read MoreHow do we experience the positive path of ascension?
The experiences that you receive inwards are a direct reflection of the experiences that you put outwards. Notice in your life how you are acting and reacting in your interactions, this shows you the exact path that you are on.
Read MoreTrue Collaboration
Coming together. Collaboration. Being open...not just within certain parameters, but truly being open to collaboration. This doesn't mean that you have to take on the beliefs of another, it means creating contrast...
Read MoreThis world is changing
This world is changing. The energetic space we dwell in is shifting. How can we better integrate this energetic change / shift and what can we do to help this change along?
Read MoreThe kindness revolution
In overcoming the resonance of fear that many are dwelling in and manipulated into, forgiveness is a key factor. To overcome this resonance we must not fight or hold animosity...kindness, compassion, and forgiveness are key factors...
Read MoreYou are infinite.
Let loose all of the programs that bind you, all of the fear, all of the judgments...greed, jealousy, mistrust, inadequacy, shame...all of it...
Read MoreListen to your intuition.
Let go of the culturally imposed structures you've been surrounded by. Be grateful for your freedom, your openness, your connection, and the understanding of that connection that you are starting to have...
Read MoreThe heart knows no boundaries
To truly move into the heart you must release your logical mind. Let go and suspend the judgment of logic...
Read MoreNow is the time to release old patterns
Refusing to forgive, holding on to resentment and a desire for restitution drains our individual energy fields...
Read MoreNamaste
Close your eyes. Think about someone, whoever comes to mind first. What are you thinking about?
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