Energetic balance is about maintaining our energetic flow. Denser energies can upset the delicate balance of flow between your energy centers. If you are blocked in one area that blockage will stifle the flow of energy through to other areas...
Read MoreTransmuting denser energies into Light ~ Part 2
Electromagnetic impulses are the informational field of the outer world impressing itself inwards upon us. These impulses are the state of us receiving information about the world around us, the 'external' world. Our internal world is not connected in the same way...
Read MoreTransmuting denser energy into Light ~ Part 1
There are so many of these denser energies coming to the surface at this time, showing up as fear, as prejudice, as intolerance... This is part of the energetic shifting we are all undergoing...
Read MoreCultivate your own bliss
Cultivating bliss is a task of extreme importance in these times. Massive changes are on the tips of our fingers and tongues as new energies filter through our every state of being...
Read MoreThe Lion's Gateway
We have entered into a truly powerful energetic period. The opportunities at this time are immense. If we can allow ourselves the space to work on expanding into these energies the shifting available will be at an unprecedented level...
Read MoreStepping through your shadow
In shadow work we intentionally step out from behind our own shadows. We intentionally release those old pictures that we are holding onto so tightly that they've turned into programs that we subconsciously run...
Read MoreBe patient
We live in the time of a great change upon this planet. Collectively we have moved into a new energetic space, but it takes us time to understand this and to begin to work with these new energies instead of struggling against them...
Read MorePart 3: A flavor of ascension
My whole life I've always experienced visitations of energy, occasionally accompanied by messages. I've been asked to share my experiences. This is part 3 in the sharing of my own story...
Read MoreSynchronicities
It's absolutely inspiring to find so many of these amazing synchronicities happening at such regular intervals. They are such wonderful affirmations to me that I am on the right path...
Read MoreThe Window
It's time to remember how to fall back into yourself. Remember how to see your energetic world. Remember your infinite nature. This information is almost incomprehensible / incomputable from a logical standpoint...
Read MoreTrue Collaboration
Coming together. Collaboration. Being open...not just within certain parameters, but truly being open to collaboration. This doesn't mean that you have to take on the beliefs of another, it means creating contrast...
Read MorePart 2: Entraining to the drone of a plane engine
I remember traveling into the sound, into a space that was probably the most comforting, familiar space I had ever been in. This is my first conscious memory of achieving an altered state of consciousness through sound and traveling within that state of being...
Read MoreThis world is changing
This world is changing. The energetic space we dwell in is shifting. How can we better integrate this energetic change / shift and what can we do to help this change along?
Read MoreWonderful things happen when we allow for change
Our whole solar system is currently passing through a place of higher energy, a dense energetic cloud. These new energies are affecting us here on Earth...
Read MoreAre we individuals? Or have we merely become corporate programmed consumers?
How do we free ourselves from this system? How do we tip the scales towards this great awakening that we are all starting to seek?
Read MoreWe rely on having adversaries to overcome for our growth
At the core of humanity, what do we want? What are we searching for? What are we searching for before these programs get ingrained into us? Reintegration with the all? Remembrance?
Read MoreBelieve in yourself. Trust yourself.
The time has come for all to move. We are at a time now when everything changes. This world and it's structures no longer serve the higher good...
Read MorePart 1: Mission Statement
Working with people and sound, working with integrating energies, working with bringing people together physically and energetically by facilitating vibrational entrainment is something that I've been called to do for many, many years, most (if not all) of my life. It's also something that I resisted for most of my life...
Read MoreSound Healing Journeywork
Sound allows us to calm our minds and turn inwards with a potency that, for many, no other medium seems to have. This internal depth allows us access to non-ordinary states of consciousness and allows for access to different aspects of ourselves that are less bound by...
Read MoreThe kindness revolution
In overcoming the resonance of fear that many are dwelling in and manipulated into, forgiveness is a key factor. To overcome this resonance we must not fight or hold animosity...kindness, compassion, and forgiveness are key factors...
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