My last blog post was talking about how releasing trauma is really a shifting of a state of consciousness. Someone asked me how to shift their state of consciousness.
Read MoreHow do you Transmute Trauma?
Trauma is something that no matter who you are, you have experienced. We are all carrying around some level of trauma.
Read MoreWhat is your body telling you? Do you feel fear, anxiety, or agitation? These can be our most important messengers.
We live in a complicated say the least. The current state of our society often leads us to functioning from within a state of fight-or-flight, which is a high anxiety state.
Read MoreVulnerability
Sometimes I have a hard time just allowing these sounds to happen...allowing myself to channel sound without judgment, and then post videos that my trained musician brain is extremely critical of.
Read MoreDon't judge yourself so harshly
Don't judge yourself so harshly. 3rd density is designed to run all of your perceptions through the sense of “you.” This is a state of being that is designed to give the illusion of separation. The Illusion of scarcity can only exist through the illusion of separation.
Read MoreAllow yourself this return to balance
Humanity is becoming poised to emerge out of the dark ages of this current cycle. Your knowledge base will soon greatly expand. Your awareness of the true nature of your multidimensional reality will soon greatly expand as well. At this time many of you agreed to be here to help with this shift...
Read MoreHow do we experience the positive path of ascension?
The experiences that you receive inwards are a direct reflection of the experiences that you put outwards. Notice in your life how you are acting and reacting in your interactions, this shows you the exact path that you are on.
Read MoreRewrite your reality ~ Where do you begin?
I've become well aware of how easily manipulated our personalities are. Where does that which we identify with as our 'personality' come from? A lot of our wants and needs and desires are not fully our own...
Read MoreConnecting to the multidimensional aspects of ourselves, our infinite selves
At this time of great energetic shifting the veil of separation between our current physical incarnate consciousness level, and our higher selves' infinite awareness is getting thinner and thinner. We are slowly starting to remember our deeper connections...
Read MoreCultivate your own bliss
Cultivating bliss is a task of extreme importance in these times. Massive changes are on the tips of our fingers and tongues as new energies filter through our every state of being...
Read MoreStepping through your shadow
In shadow work we intentionally step out from behind our own shadows. We intentionally release those old pictures that we are holding onto so tightly that they've turned into programs that we subconsciously run...
Read MoreBe patient
We live in the time of a great change upon this planet. Collectively we have moved into a new energetic space, but it takes us time to understand this and to begin to work with these new energies instead of struggling against them...
Read MoreTrue Collaboration
Coming together. Collaboration. Being open...not just within certain parameters, but truly being open to collaboration. This doesn't mean that you have to take on the beliefs of another, it means creating contrast...
Read MoreThe kindness revolution
In overcoming the resonance of fear that many are dwelling in and manipulated into, forgiveness is a key factor. To overcome this resonance we must not fight or hold animosity...kindness, compassion, and forgiveness are key factors...
Read MoreBehold Donald Trump, Your Spiritual Teacher
What it comes down to I suppose is that people are looking for change. Given the electoral choices of business as usual, or crazy egocentric misogynistic racist, the people chose crazy. That says something...
Read MoreBreak the Cycle ~ Citizens of Earth Episode 4
Once we realize that we are creating our own reality within this multidimensional Universe, then we will realize that loving ourselves means that we are loving the whole world and all of existence in it's entirety. All of the people, all of the structures, all of the control patterns, the good and the bad...all originates from within us.
Read MoreThe Resonance of Kindness ~ Citizens of Earth Episode 3
We live in a time of great awakening. We are all feeling changes happening on this planet, and we are all searching for answers at this time. This is such a wonderful time to be alive on this planet as we start to awaken to...
Read MoreYou are infinite.
Let loose all of the programs that bind you, all of the fear, all of the judgments...greed, jealousy, mistrust, inadequacy, shame...all of it...
Read MoreBreak the mold
When cracks start to appear in the reality that you've molded for yourself, there are only two choices; try and force yourself to squeeze back into that molded form so you can attempt to repair those cracks...or break the mold.
Read MoreGreed
Abundance is our birthright. There are more than enough resources to comfortably sustain everyone on this planet. The problem lies not in the resources themselves, but in what we define as resources...
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