Today is a new day

Today is a new day.

Nothing will ever be the same as it was a few months ago, and that is okay. The world needs to change and many things need to come to light, which is happening and will continue to happen.

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This is the revolution that will change the world...

Raise your vibration to the point where you feel bliss in this world. From this higher perspective you are able to see how interconnected you truly are to everything. Your energy weaves and flows with your surroundings, with your neighbors, with the plants & minerals, and with the air/atmosphere, with... When you are in tune your energy can wrap around the whole of this planet, vibrating with the state of bliss that the deep interconnection you feel aligns you with.

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It's all just perspective...

Nothing is a coincidence, nothing is random, all is of careful design. How you react and what you hold your attention to, that is what is under your control. There are many, many ways that something can be taken in and experienced. Many ways for your mind to work with a single situation or piece of knowledge. The eye of the beholder is the saying for this...

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How long before you realize that you are already awake?

You have already shifted into the potential for functionality within 4th density, but there is also potential for large energetic events to transpire within your timeline.

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Finding balance to access your complete multidimensional self

Balance truly is the key to opening up to multidimensional awareness / perception from your physicality. Balance causes the ability to align vibrationally with the resonance required for that connection to take place.

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Allow yourself this return to balance

Humanity is becoming poised to emerge out of the dark ages of  this current cycle. Your knowledge base will soon greatly expand. Your awareness of the true nature of your multidimensional reality will soon greatly expand as well. At this time many of you agreed to be here to help with this shift...

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How does light hold information? (Asking questions and allowing answers)

The light is carrying the vibrational change that will unlock these potentials within you, attuning you to higher levels of connection and carrying that connection into your emotional body to awaken knowledge through intuition and the infinite wisdom of the intuitive self as a reflection of...

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Part 1: Mission Statement

Working with people and sound, working with integrating energies, working with bringing people together physically and energetically by facilitating vibrational entrainment is something that I've been called to do for many, many years, most (if not all) of my life. It's also something that I resisted for most of my life...

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The Resonance of Kindness ~ Citizens of Earth Episode 3

We live in a time of great awakening. We are all feeling changes happening on this planet, and we are all searching for answers at this time. This is such a wonderful time to be alive on this planet as we start to awaken to...

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