What is some information that everyone needs in this time of shifting and (apparent) chaos on this planet?
There is no way in which you are not already connected. You are awake when you realize that you are awake. That part of the shifting has already happened. Now is the time to learn how to stay in the awakened state and to function from within this awakened state. You have the frequency levels of 4th density available to you at all times now. You're planet and your solar system are already well into this energetic shifting.
Have we already shifted, or is there a big event that will be happening that we will experience on this planet?

Both. You have already shifted into the potential for functionality within 4th density, but there is also potential for large energetic events to transpire within your timeline. You are now on a “positive” timeline and the chance of experiencing the major cataclysm of the “negative” timeline is decreasing more and more. The strongest part of the convergence of multiple timelines (the convergence of harmonic pathways) is behind you at this time. It is certainly still possible to jump to one of those timelines, but the more you continue in the direction you are currently going, the less and less the likelihood of aligning with that experience is.
You must remember, you are the one that determines the experiences of this shifting in energetic functionality. It's always been and always will be your choice. The more you decide to take back your personal power from the “powers-that-be” and take responsibility for your own experiences, the more you are able to step into the Light and to align yourself with the Great White Light of Infinite Creation. The power is yours. The choice is yours.
What about the experience of the solar blast energy that will elevate human consciousness that we keep hearing about? Will this event come to pass? Will we experience this rapid ascension?

You can and will experience this if you choose to. With each step you take toward reclaiming your personal power, individually and collectively, you step more and more into having direct control over your experience of the shifting. If you choose to step into the experience of having a massive evolution of consciousness at a very rapid rate, what you call "ascension," then that is what you will experience. And you are in fact coming more and more into alignment with this leap in consciousness that will bring you collectively into the next “Golden Age” of humanity's connected experience on Earth.
This is in fact the experience that many of you incarnated on Earth specifically to experience. Many of you are waking up to the paths that you set out for yourselves as you came into your current incarnations. Many of your paths involve helping others to wake up to their paths as well at this time; bringing this Light to the world, as the “Lightworkers” that you all are.
As you remember how to come together in this Light, you will also align yourself more and more with the experience that you came here together to create. The choice is yours. The power is yours. You choose this path in awakening to these powers, this ascension, with every step that you take, with every action that you set in motion, with every person that you invite into this Light. You are building resonance with this path, strengthening this resonance to the point where it creates an energetic pull that calls others into awakening to this path, into entrainment with the resonance of this path as well.
This experience of ascension is here for you. If you continue to choose to move towards this experience in your thoughts and actions you will have this experience. As we said, this is the experience that many of you specifically came here for.
So we now ask you a question. Is this still the experience that you choose to have? If the answer is yes, what are you going to do about it?
I recently had the amazing opportunity to be a guest on the Third Eye Awakening Podcast with Amy Belair. This was such a fun conversation! I was able to "go there" on a much deeper level than I have in any other podcast that I've been on before...Amy is so easy to talk to, she's definitely an amazing conduit for these types of conversations.
So even if you've heard me speak on other podcasts, you've never heard this conversation and the info that came up with Amy!
In my opinion, raising your vibration is the most important thing to do at this time.
...so why does it seem so hard to maintain that high vibration?
Although external circumstances are changing, we're still trapped in old patterns and systems. But here's the key: true change starts from within.
I recently had the amazing opportunity to be a guest on the Third Eye Awakening Podcast with Amy Belair. This was such a fun conversation! I was able to "go there" on a much deeper level than I have in any other podcast that I've been on before...Amy is so easy to talk to, she's definitely an amazing conduit for these types of conversations.
So even if you've heard me speak on other podcasts, you've never heard this conversation and the info that came up with Amy!
Things definitely seem to be becoming more and more compressed as of late! As a good friend of mine recently said; "it feels like some people are literally going insane with paranoia, denial, and anger."
Today is a new day.
Nothing will ever be the same as it was a few months ago, and that is okay. The world needs to change and many things need to come to light, which is happening and will continue to happen.
We are in the time when everything changes.
The higher energies entering our system are intense, and are only growing stronger by the day. The buffers that were in place to help ease us into this transition have been gone for awhile now.
We are already, and have always been, beings of light, but we are currently undergoing a process of transformation within our physical existence.
Balance is the key to opening up to multidimensional awareness and perception. Proper balance will facilitate the ability to align vibrationally with the resonance required for that connection to take place. The balance you seek is a balance between your body, mind, and soul.
You have already shifted into the potential for functionality within 4th density, but there is also potential for large energetic events to transpire within your timeline.
Light holds information via geometric informational structures, DNA is a fractal antenna that tunes into that information based on our vibrational resonance, and the pineal gland is a translator of the geometric informational structures...I'm trying to understand all of this...
Humanity is within a delicate stage of the awakening process, where that which came before no longer feels like a vibrational match, but you are not yet a complete match for the resonant state of these new higher energies coming in as of yet either...
Your functionality lies within a sort of vibrational guidance system. Your life follows specific harmonic patternings that give you an outline and overview to the density that holds and guides your life's path. “Free will on train tracks” is how you have put this.
Creating resonance is something that comes up a lot in energetic and spiritual work these days. What is it to create resonance, and what is it that we are creating resonance with?
You are currently in between the 3rd and 4th densities of your energetic functionality within this timespace matrix. Sometimes the vibrational resonance you are holding is more in line with one density than the other.
Balance truly is the key to opening up to multidimensional awareness / perception from your physicality. Balance causes the ability to align vibrationally with the resonance required for that connection to take place.
Humanity is becoming poised to emerge out of the dark ages of this current cycle. Your knowledge base will soon greatly expand. Your awareness of the true nature of your multidimensional reality will soon greatly expand as well. At this time many of you agreed to be here to help with this shift...
Sound affects the body at the molecular level as vibration is what is at the core of your very being. Receiving vibration through physical / energetic work with sound can help to realign your physicality with the quantum vibrations that are forming the timespace you are currently functioning within.
The experiences that you receive inwards are a direct reflection of the experiences that you put outwards. Notice in your life how you are acting and reacting in your interactions, this shows you the exact path that you are on.
Electromagnetic impulses are the informational field of the outer world impressing itself inwards upon us. These impulses are the state of us receiving information about the world around us, the 'external' world. Our internal world is not connected in the same way...
My whole life I've always experienced visitations of energy, occasionally accompanied by messages. I've been asked to share my experiences. This is part 3 in the sharing of my own story...
Our whole solar system is currently passing through a place of higher energy, a dense energetic cloud. These new energies are affecting us here on Earth...
We live in a time of great awakening. We are all feeling changes happening on this planet, and we are all searching for answers at this time. This is such a wonderful time to be alive on this planet as we start to awaken to...
I'm honored to return to the Live this Life Podcast for another episode with my good friend Heath Cummings. This was such a great conversation!