Book a public Sound Healing Journeywork event with Ben Carroll in a yoga studio, wellness center, or special event space.

  • Ben has facilitated hundreds of in-person Sound Healing Journeywork well as many online events with attendees from all over the world.

Host Sound Healing Journeywork in your studio and share the experience of Ben Carroll’s amazing 4 octave voice accompanied by quartz crystal singing bowls. Ben has a long history with music and performance as a former Universal recording artist, he spent years on the road touring and has sold over a half a million albums to date. These days his focus is on teaching and facilitating the use of music & sound as a healing & consciousness expanding modality. Sound Healing Journeywork events are designed to help one regain proper resonance between the physical & etheric body, and the Earth & the Universe, but also have a multitude of other benefits as well.

What Would Sound Healing Journeywork Look Like In Your Studio?

“Sound Healing Journeywork lasts about 2 hours. These workshops always include an extended sound journey (sometimes called a sound bath) lasting approximately 75-90 minutes. I try to build as much of a sense of community and connection as I can within this time. We start with introductions, after I share a bit about my story we go around the room and everyone gets a chance to share a few words about themselves. Following introductions we set an intention, do a bit of group toning to activate the energy of the group, and then move into the sound journey portion of the event. The sound portion starts with a guided meditation and then moves into an extended period of pure sound featurring crystal singing bowls, solfeggio tubes, voice, tingsha cymbals… After the group is guided out of the journey space is held for sharing experiences and asking questions. This format has been dialed in with years of experience guiding groups together in this way, creating community, bringing people together.” -Ben

~ Contact Ben for more information  about hosting a workshop in your studio~ 

What does this sound work entail?

Sound allows us to calm our minds and turn inwards with a potency that, for many, no other medium seems to have. This internal depth allows us access to non-ordinary states of consciousness and allows for access to different aspects of ourselves that are less bound by the beliefs that we've formed. When we can get past the part of our mind where our beliefs about this world form our experience of this world, we access other parts of ourselves that are unbound by these belief systems.

We are each powerful creators. In the right state of mind, we each have the ability to take away our own pain, to reduce our stress levels, to heal ourselves physically and emotionally, to intuitively access information about ourselves and the world, to journey to other realms, and countless other extra-ordinary benefits. Sound is a vehicle that has been used for accessing these non-ordinary states of consciousness by many peoples for many millennia.

In my work I currently use mostly voice and crystal singing bowls to create the sound to journey with. The bowls are played as a drone to accompany my voice. (More on drones here.) Working with a drone helps to 'soften the mind' so to say, to release yourself from your ordinary active mind state. The other important sonic aspect of these sound journeys is voice. What I've found is that I can use my voice to feel energetic blocks and to move stuck energy back into a state of flow. I'm aware that is a bit vague, it's difficult to explain exactly how this works, or how this feels from my own perspective, let alone yours. I've studied reiki for a while, the use of my voice in this sound work (to me) seems similar to reiki, but this work with sound is a far more potent medium for me in my own practice.

I especially enjoy working with groups because in a group situation we utilize the group energy to amplify the effects of this work. This is why I always start Sound Healing Journeywork workshops with some small activities to bring the group together and to activate the flow of the group's energy into a state that is flowing smoothly together. These group activities generally consist of simple introductions and a bit of group toning. I'm always amazed at how opening it can be to just simply introduce yourself to a group and use your voice to move a bit of air and a bit of energy.

Everyone's experience is different in this work. There is no right or wrong experience that you can have. Some people experience amazing visions, some people experience deep cathartic release and a lot of tears, some people experience visitations from passed loved ones, some people experience lost time and Satchidananda...pure bliss consciousness, while others experience nothing more than a pleasant and relaxing meditation.

One thing is for sure, no two of these journeywork workshops are ever the same, I'm always surprised by what comes up. Experiencing this for yourself is the only way to find out what it will be for you.

Experience Sound Healing Journeywork, Tuning for the Body, Mind & Soul

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or Contact Ben below to see about booking an event in your area or your studio.

Contact Ben Carroll