Things definitely seem to be becoming more and more compressed as of late! As a good friend of mine recently said; "it feels like some people are literally going insane with paranoia, denial, and anger."
Read MoreIt's all just perspective...
Nothing is a coincidence, nothing is random, all is of careful design. How you react and what you hold your attention to, that is what is under your control. There are many, many ways that something can be taken in and experienced. Many ways for your mind to work with a single situation or piece of knowledge. The eye of the beholder is the saying for this...
Read MoreExperiencing positive and negative vibrational entrainment with others
As you get better at reading the energy of a person or a room of people you will also get better at protecting your energy from entrainment with the energetic patterns of others that are a mismatched with your own.
Read MoreHow does light hold information? (Asking questions and allowing answers)
The light is carrying the vibrational change that will unlock these potentials within you, attuning you to higher levels of connection and carrying that connection into your emotional body to awaken knowledge through intuition and the infinite wisdom of the intuitive self as a reflection of...
Read MoreHappy Equinox ~ A perfect day for returning to balance
Energetic balance is about maintaining our energetic flow. Denser energies can upset the delicate balance of flow between your energy centers. If you are blocked in one area that blockage will stifle the flow of energy through to other areas...
Read MoreThe heart knows no boundaries
To truly move into the heart you must release your logical mind. Let go and suspend the judgment of logic...
Read MoreA different perspective
Here is an easy way to see how 2 things can physically exist at the same time, in the same space...
Read MoreThe Lever
What if all of the time that you have been wishing and dreaming, wanting and screaming, all of this time that you have been struggling to hold this lever down, just to try and get by, just to struggle through this world, just to keep your head above water...what if you have been holding this lever in the off position? What if all you ever needed to do was just let go?
Read MoreVisualize Healing
There has been a lot of talk about the coming of a new paradigm...but, where is it? How do we get there?
Read MoreExploring Your Energy Field
Today I wanted to share an exercise for becoming more aware of your body's energetic field. The human body is surrounded by an energy field moving in the flow of a torus, known as the toroidal field...
Read MoreNamaste
Close your eyes. Think about someone, whoever comes to mind first. What are you thinking about?
Read MoreI=E+T
“I” = E (ego) + T (time) - “I” think, therefore “I” am...but are you more than what you think? The ego projects itself into the past and future, that is where the ego lives, in another imagined time, NOT in this present moment.
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