I'm honored to return to the Live this Life Podcast for another episode with my good friend Heath Cummings. This was such a great conversation!
Read MoreTrue change starts within: We're at a crossroads but we're still trapped in old patterns
Although external circumstances are changing, we're still trapped in old patterns and systems. But here's the key: true change starts from within.
Read MoreHow do you experience large shifts in consciousness?
My last blog post was talking about how releasing trauma is really a shifting of a state of consciousness. Someone asked me how to shift their state of consciousness.
Read MoreHow do you Transmute Trauma?
Trauma is something that no matter who you are, you have experienced. We are all carrying around some level of trauma.
Read MorePart 4: Stop with songs and just be music
When I was seventeen years old I had a walk-in experience on August 19, 1994. I’ll put it in as matter-of-fact terms as I am able to, I’ve always struggled immensely at putting this particular experience into words. I’m honestly not comfortable sharing this experience, which is why it’s been over 5 years since the last installment in this series.
Read More2021 in reflection...I don't speak up very often.
I have to admit that at times in 2021 I've found it difficult to hold optimism for humanity.
I haven't voiced my opinions very often this year, thinking back, very likely not at all...which is quite startling to realize.
Read MoreToday is a new day
Today is a new day.
Nothing will ever be the same as it was a few months ago, and that is okay. The world needs to change and many things need to come to light, which is happening and will continue to happen.
Read MoreMessage to the Starseeds ~ May 2020
We are in the time when everything changes.
The higher energies entering our system are intense, and are only growing stronger by the day. The buffers that were in place to help ease us into this transition have been gone for awhile now.
Read MoreWe are already and have always been beings of light
We are already, and have always been, beings of light, but we are currently undergoing a process of transformation within our physical existence.
Read MoreBalance. Emotional Body + Logical Mind = Intuitive Soul
Balance is the key to opening up to multidimensional awareness and perception. Proper balance will facilitate the ability to align vibrationally with the resonance required for that connection to take place. The balance you seek is a balance between your body, mind, and soul.
Read MorePlease Remember
Read MoreWe are the ones we've been waiting for. ☀️🌞☀️
“To expand the consciousness of humanity we must begin a campaign to flood the mainstream media with higher consciousness Art, Music, and Media.” - Corey Goode
Read MoreThe Art of Jumping Timelines
Our perception of time is a functionality of the vibrational density that we hold to function within this physical reality, currently the 3rd density. Our perspective is quite limited, we can only view one fragmented section at a time which gives us an illusion of linearity, when in fact the linearity is our perception of a very slow fluctuation of waveforms. A slow undulation, very slow.
Read MoreA multidimensional reality is a reality of many perspectives
This point in time is bringing much change for many people. New connections to higher dimensional aspects of yourselves allow you access to different information than you've had access to in the past. A lot of this new information that is coming in may be in conflict with information that has been taught to you within the construct of your current timeline worldview.
Read MoreThis is the revolution that will change the world...
Raise your vibration to the point where you feel bliss in this world. From this higher perspective you are able to see how interconnected you truly are to everything. Your energy weaves and flows with your surroundings, with your neighbors, with the plants & minerals, and with the air/atmosphere, with... When you are in tune your energy can wrap around the whole of this planet, vibrating with the state of bliss that the deep interconnection you feel aligns you with.
Read MoreDo you remember your childhood superpowers?
For many years you have held your frequency stuck in one position (think of a jammed radio dial.) You have been trained and programmed in this way since the day you came onto this planet. As children most of you have memories of traveling energetically, of energetic expansion and contraction, of traveling without your body. Many of you have written off these memories…
Read MoreHow long before you realize that you are already awake?
You have already shifted into the potential for functionality within 4th density, but there is also potential for large energetic events to transpire within your timeline.
Read MoreHow can sound can be used to unlock Universal knowledge?
Holding specific vibrational patternings unlocks specific information within you; geometric informational patternings, which is information crystallized into geometric form. By entraining to the frequency patterns of that geometric form you unlock the informational access.
Read MoreMoving Beyond the 3rd Density
Light holds information via geometric informational structures, DNA is a fractal antenna that tunes into that information based on our vibrational resonance, and the pineal gland is a translator of the geometric informational structures...I'm trying to understand all of this...
Read MoreThe Awakening Process
Humanity is within a delicate stage of the awakening process, where that which came before no longer feels like a vibrational match, but you are not yet a complete match for the resonant state of these new higher energies coming in as of yet either...
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