Sometimes I have a hard time just allowing these sounds to happen...allowing myself to channel sound without judgment, and then post videos that my trained musician brain is extremely critical of.
Read MoreMessage to the Starseeds ~ May 2020
We are in the time when everything changes.
The higher energies entering our system are intense, and are only growing stronger by the day. The buffers that were in place to help ease us into this transition have been gone for awhile now.
Read MoreThe Window
It's time to remember how to fall back into yourself. Remember how to see your energetic world. Remember your infinite nature. This information is almost incomprehensible / incomputable from a logical standpoint...
Read MoreYou are infinite.
Let loose all of the programs that bind you, all of the fear, all of the judgments...greed, jealousy, mistrust, inadequacy, shame...all of it...
Read MoreThe Negative Signals Positive Change Coming Your Way
In each and every moment our consciousness creates the world we inhabit and our world is a reflection of our conscious awareness. If we start to consistently see things negatively, we will start to manifest a consistently negative environment in the world around us...
Read MoreWe Have Forgotten How To Be Human
Connection is the seat of the human experience. Denying to ourselves that we're deeply connected is to fight who and what we truly are...
Read MoreNamaste
Close your eyes. Think about someone, whoever comes to mind first. What are you thinking about?
Read MoreI=E+T
“I” = E (ego) + T (time) - “I” think, therefore “I” am...but are you more than what you think? The ego projects itself into the past and future, that is where the ego lives, in another imagined time, NOT in this present moment.
Read MoreWhich Mind Do You Feed?
The ego is the part of the mind that is filtered through the physical incarnate. The higher mind is your connection to the deeper consciousness...
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