How do we free ourselves from this system? How do we tip the scales towards this great awakening that we are all starting to seek?
Read MoreLet's celebrate true independence by coming together to work towards creating true independence for all
Although it may seem like a coming together collectively would be a dissolution of the self, it's in fact quite the opposite. Coming together in groups with like minded people holding like minded intention triggers an energetic activation within each of us...
Read MoreCapitalism is outdated
The 20th century version of capitalism has us pit against each other. In this mindset, human lives are profited from and potentially forfeited if that life is not cost effective, or not generating significant profit. It's time for a new model...
Read MoreCitizens of Earth Episode 2
It can seem that, in this world, we all have the cards stacked against can seem that we are trapped in an endless cycle of just working to survive.....and it seems that more and more of us are struggling to be able to even keep that bare minimum going. Why?
Read MoreCitizens of Earth
What does freedom look like to you? Is freedom having enough money to thrive in this world? How much money is enough to thrive in this world today anyways?
Read MoreGreed
Abundance is our birthright. There are more than enough resources to comfortably sustain everyone on this planet. The problem lies not in the resources themselves, but in what we define as resources...
Read MoreWE
Our potential is so much greater than what we currently believe we are. Our potential as a worldwide civilization that lives in harmony is one where we can overcome space and time, overcome all of the dilemmas of humanity; poverty, hunger, homelessness, planetary realizing that together we can take the next step.
Read MoreMove Forward
We need a flowing, evolving society where people are free to think creatively for each individual situation and for the constant betterment of each belief that we hold...about everything...
Read MoreRevolution!
In a world of nuclear bombs and guided missiles the true revolution, the only way to have an effective revolution is to have a revolution of consciousness...
Read MoreShifting into a New World
I think a large part of this great shift of consciousness that everyone has been talking about will come with the realization that matter actually comes forth out of consciousness, or at least that will be a major catalyst...
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