I recently had the amazing opportunity to be a guest on the Third Eye Awakening Podcast with Amy Belair. This was such a fun conversation! I was able to "go there" on a much deeper level than I have in any other podcast that I've been on before...Amy is so easy to talk to, she's definitely an amazing conduit for these types of conversations.
So even if you've heard me speak on other podcasts, you've never heard this conversation and the info that came up with Amy!
From Metal shredding to Sound Healing - Navigating Neurodivergence with Stefan Glazer
From Metal shredding to Sound Healing, Ben Carroll sat down with me and chatted about the healing properties of music, the power of sound, and so much more.
From his time in Ra to Today, Ben is a deeply talented and amazing musician and we touch on his journey into sound healing and where it's going.
Read MoreFrom Rockstar to Sound Healer: Sound therapy and alternative healing with Ben Carroll
From Rockstar to Sound Healer: Sound therapy and alternative healing with Ben Carroll ~ Interview with Agent Nateur
Read MorePart 4: Stop with songs and just be music
When I was seventeen years old I had a walk-in experience on August 19, 1994. I’ll put it in as matter-of-fact terms as I am able to, I’ve always struggled immensely at putting this particular experience into words. I’m honestly not comfortable sharing this experience, which is why it’s been over 5 years since the last installment in this series.
Read MoreIntuitive Sound Healing & Higher Dimensions of Self - Third Eye Awakening Podcast
I recently had the amazing opportunity to be a guest on the Third Eye Awakening Podcast with Amy Belair. This was such a fun conversation! I was able to "go there" on a much deeper level than I have in any other podcast that I've been on before...Amy is so easy to talk to, she's definitely an amazing conduit for these types of conversations.
So even if you've heard me speak on other podcasts, you've never heard this conversation and the info that came up with Amy!
Becoming Light
The album, Becoming Light, is the culmination of the past 7 years of my life..these past 7 years have brought about massive changes through experiences that have been at times quite intense, sometimes barely even believable...also through working with information that was at times well outside of my comfort zone.
Read MorePart 3: A flavor of ascension
My whole life I've always experienced visitations of energy, occasionally accompanied by messages. I've been asked to share my experiences. This is part 3 in the sharing of my own story...
Read MoreSynchronicities
It's absolutely inspiring to find so many of these amazing synchronicities happening at such regular intervals. They are such wonderful affirmations to me that I am on the right path...
Read MorePart 2: Entraining to the drone of a plane engine
I remember traveling into the sound, into a space that was probably the most comforting, familiar space I had ever been in. This is my first conscious memory of achieving an altered state of consciousness through sound and traveling within that state of being...
Read MorePart 1: Mission Statement
Working with people and sound, working with integrating energies, working with bringing people together physically and energetically by facilitating vibrational entrainment is something that I've been called to do for many, many years, most (if not all) of my life. It's also something that I resisted for most of my life...
Read MoreSound Healing Journeywork
Sound allows us to calm our minds and turn inwards with a potency that, for many, no other medium seems to have. This internal depth allows us access to non-ordinary states of consciousness and allows for access to different aspects of ourselves that are less bound by...
Read MoreDear Universe
Deepest gratitude for this massive push forward in my life. I know that the only thing constant in this world is change, and I can see how for awhile now I have been resisting any change...
Read MoreShifting Perceptions
Sometimes you can take a 2nd look and see something completely different...things are not always what they seem and sometimes our definitions can hold a thing within our mind to try and be something that it is not.
Read MoreYou are truly infinite
Please help us to remember that beneath all of this ice and snow there is still a strong current of infinite flow.
Read MoreFocus
Where we place our focus bends the world around us. What are you focusing on? Are you focusing on kindness? Are you focusing on compassion? Are you focusing on happiness? Remember, you can always turn your world on it's head in any single moment. So, what are you focusing on?
Read MoreTrust in yourself
Listen to your intuition...your higher self. You already know. The answers that you are looking for, they've always been with you...
Read MoreBreathe.
Breathe. Our breath is directly connected to our state of consciousness.
Read MoreStop with songs and just be music
Stop with songs and just be music....let go and flow with the primordial flow.
Read MoreHappy New Year - v2.0
t feels like the new year has just begun for me. At the end of 2013 I had just released “Illuminated Heart,” my first ever solo acoustic album and...
Read MoreWhat is the “Major Scale” of our Consciousness?
Unfortunately, many of us never have the opportunity to see life as an art form. From birth, we are all trained to live within certain structures and taught to see things a certain way - “The way that it is.” Why is it this way? “Because that's the way it is...”
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