A multidimensional reality is a reality of many perspectives

This point in time is bringing much change for many people. New connections to higher dimensional aspects of yourselves allow you access to different information than you've had access to in the past. A lot of this new information that is coming in may be in conflict with information that has been taught to you within the construct of your current timeline worldview.

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Do you remember your childhood superpowers?

For many years you have held your frequency stuck in one position (think of a jammed radio dial.) You have been trained and programmed in this way since the day you came onto this planet. As children most of you have memories of traveling energetically, of energetic expansion and contraction, of traveling without your body. Many of you have written off these memories…

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It's all just perspective...

Nothing is a coincidence, nothing is random, all is of careful design. How you react and what you hold your attention to, that is what is under your control. There are many, many ways that something can be taken in and experienced. Many ways for your mind to work with a single situation or piece of knowledge. The eye of the beholder is the saying for this...

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Reconnecting With Intuition

We have forgotten the awesome power of intuition that lies at the core of each of us in this world. From the moment of birth to our last breath, we have this deep inner connection that allows us access to vast amounts of intuitive knowledge and the immeasurable transcendent energy of the all...

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Being Open

We greatly want that sense of ease that brings anxiety free connection with others. We also fear that...I don't know why. I understand that fear, I battle it everyday...but it is a battle worth waging...a new sense of freedom comes with feeling that connection...

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