Today is a new day

Today is a new day.

Nothing will ever be the same as it was a few months ago, and that is okay. The world needs to change and many things need to come to light, which is happening and will continue to happen.

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Message to the Starseeds ~ May 2020

We are in the time when everything changes.

The higher energies entering our system are intense, and are only growing stronger by the day. The buffers that were in place to help ease us into this transition have been gone for awhile now.

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We are the ones we've been waiting for. ☀️🌞☀️

“To expand the consciousness of humanity we must begin a campaign to flood the mainstream media with higher consciousness Art, Music, and Media.” - Corey Goode

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Don't judge yourself so harshly

Don't judge yourself so harshly. 3rd density is designed to run all of your perceptions through the sense of “you.” This is a state of being that is designed to give the illusion of separation. The Illusion of scarcity can only exist through the illusion of separation.

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This is the revolution that will change the world...

Raise your vibration to the point where you feel bliss in this world. From this higher perspective you are able to see how interconnected you truly are to everything. Your energy weaves and flows with your surroundings, with your neighbors, with the plants & minerals, and with the air/atmosphere, with... When you are in tune your energy can wrap around the whole of this planet, vibrating with the state of bliss that the deep interconnection you feel aligns you with.

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It's all just perspective...

Nothing is a coincidence, nothing is random, all is of careful design. How you react and what you hold your attention to, that is what is under your control. There are many, many ways that something can be taken in and experienced. Many ways for your mind to work with a single situation or piece of knowledge. The eye of the beholder is the saying for this...

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How does light hold information? (Asking questions and allowing answers)

The light is carrying the vibrational change that will unlock these potentials within you, attuning you to higher levels of connection and carrying that connection into your emotional body to awaken knowledge through intuition and the infinite wisdom of the intuitive self as a reflection of...

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Connecting to the multidimensional aspects of ourselves, our infinite selves

At this time of great energetic shifting the veil of separation between our current physical incarnate consciousness level, and our higher selves' infinite awareness is getting thinner and thinner. We are slowly starting to remember our deeper connections...

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The kindness revolution

In overcoming the resonance of fear that many are dwelling in and manipulated into, forgiveness is a key factor. To overcome this resonance we must not fight or hold animosity...kindness, compassion, and forgiveness are key factors...

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Break the Cycle ~ Citizens of Earth Episode 4

Once we realize that we are creating our own reality within this multidimensional Universe, then we will realize that loving ourselves means that we are loving the whole world and all of existence in it's entirety. All of the people, all of the structures, all of the control patterns, the good and the bad...all originates from within us.

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Capitalism is outdated

The 20th century version of capitalism has us pit against each other. In this mindset, human lives are profited from and potentially forfeited if that life is not cost effective, or not generating significant profit. It's time for a new model...

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Citizens of Earth Episode 2

It can seem that, in this world, we all have the cards stacked against can seem that we are trapped in an endless cycle of just working to survive.....and it seems that more and more of us are struggling to be able to even keep that bare minimum going. Why?

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