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Protect the Vote: Meditation & Prayer for a Fair Election

I don't care who you vote for. I believe that it is your right to make up your own mind and choose for yourself. Remember when people actually believed this?? Remember when we allowed our friends and family to hold different beliefs than the ones that we hold for ourselves? It disheartens me to hear people ((on any side of the fence)) saying they've cut friends out of their lives because of which politician they've chosen to vote for.

I also believe that you should have the right to have your vote be counted as you intended it to be...which is why when I was approached about performing for the Protect the Vote event I said I would happily take part. May we all hold the right to have our voices heard in the way that we intend, and may we all maintain the freedom to say what our own beliefs dictate when we choose to say it, and not have those words distorted or censored. Isn't that supposed to be our right?

I've never been a nationalistic individual...I've always seen myself as a temporary citizen of Earth, but I did appreciate and respect the freedoms that being born on the specific landmass that I happened to be born on allowed me...especially the freedom to express myself as I choose to. These days I see those freedoms being challenged by the platforms we use for such a large part of our communications.

As a self-employed individual, I understand very well how these social media platforms have become an important part of the functionality of so many businesses, large and small...especially with the current sate of the world. Increasingly these platforms are seeming to be subverted into something else...but how do we stop using them when for many these platforms are an integral part of reaching the audience that we need to reach in order for our business to continue functioning? They have become more of a utility than a form of any kind of social entertainment.

It seems that we're being painted into a corner until something changes. This feels like a dangerous place to be, with corporations being allowed to dictate what we can or cannot say on platforms that have become an important utility for so many businesses and individuals alike. It's quite the slippery slope, and I'm not exactly sure what it is that we are sliding down into...but it does not feel good.

I'll say it again:

May we all hold the right to have our voices heard in the way that we intend, and may we all maintain the freedom to say what our own beliefs dictate when we choose to say it, and not have those words distorted or censored.

If it suits you, the Protect the Vote event is on Sunday November week from today. You can get more info at the link below.

Protect the Vote: Meditation & Prayer for a Fair Election

“Through this event, we hope not to focus extensively on who to vote for, but on the importance of our sovereign right to vote. Our hope is to help build a bridge that both sides can walk across in peace and unity for the sovereign right of every voice being heard. To help introduce prayer and meditation into the voting process and offer support for the surely contentious days ahead.” -Justin, Kalyn & Lance