Now is the time to release old patterns
Now is the time to release old patterns.
Refusing to forgive, holding on to resentment and a desire for restitution drains our individual energy fields. Refusing to forgive builds a fortress of defense around us through which our essential energetic needs are unable to reach us because we are closing ourselves off. Holding grudges does nothing to resolve a situation, and it only intensifies our own suffering.
Please help us to listen deeper within our hearts and let go.
While pursuing restitution we have to focus ourselves on how wrong those who have hurt us are and how much they need to be punished in order for us to find peace. Focusing on the memories of suffering that we have undergone prevents us from enjoying the present moment, the only moment that exists, which only serves to sever our connection to spirit and prolong and intensify our own suffering.
Please help us to learn how to let go of resentment and grudges and enjoy the peace and relief from stress that letting go will provide.
Please help us to listen deeper within our hearts and let go.