I've Been Quiet For Long Enough
I've been quiet for long enough.
I've come to the point in my life where I feel it's not longer in my best interest to stay quiet. This world is at a teetering point...right here...right now...and there are big changes coming...one way or the other. I think there is a chance for humanity to start living with a deeper connection to the true nature of our existence and to have a deeper understanding of who we really are. It's time we stopped living a fear based existence...fear is a choice..if we can learn to see it that way, we can learn to overcome it. We can get away from the manipulation and the greed and start working form a place of conscious creation. We need to stop leaving creation to our subconscious minds. It's time we realized that we are the conscious creators of our own reality. Let me say that again.
It's time we realized that we are the conscious creators of our own reality.
What do you think?