Dear Universe
Dear Universe,
Deepest gratitude for this massive push forward in my life. I know that the only thing constant in this world is change, and I can see how for awhile now I have been resisting any change. I had allowed myself to settle in too comfortably within this life, too caught up in my routine, and I've been too resistant to letting anything move my life away from that place of comfort and ease. But now that life is gone, in a seeming blink of an eye, peeled away like a set of worn clothes that even though they were super comfy, the holes and the wear in those clothes had been telling me it's time to change for awhile, it's time to live, it's time to flow, it's time, it's time... But I wouldn't listen on my own. Thank you Universe for facilitating a movement back into the flow of change, the flow of life. All that I can do is feel grateful for these experiences, all that I learned, the huge amount of growth my life allowed me in these past 5 years, and the amazing life that I've had in that period of time, the amazing people that surrounded me, the amazing experiences I've been blessed with...and the forever life changing, world altering, love of a beautiful, amazing, spiritual woman. That love has been the most challenging and most traumatic thing I have ever had to let go of in all my remembered life experiences. But as that life has crumbled away, all that I can do is trust. I choose to leave my heart wide open through this time of heartache and pain, and as those years of my life, and that whole period of time flows into the past, through all of the pain and the sometimes unbearable heartache, I choose to feel only gratitude. I am eternally grateful to have known such happiness in this lifetime. I choose to see the expansive opportunities that these massive changes are affording me. I choose to feel grateful for the beautiful new experiences that will be making their way into my life now that I am in a place where there is such a wide open and welcoming space for new and exciting experiences. I am excited for the new possibilities. I trust in you Universe, and I know, unequivocally, that these massive changes will only serve to bring about a period of life that is even more amazing, even more loving, with even more spiritual growth, more emotional growth, more materialistic growth...
I can see the opportunities that lie in wait for me to experience happiness beyond my wildest dreams now that I am once again fully open.
I can see the opportunities that lie in wait for me to experience abundance beyond my wildest dreams now that I am once again fully open.
I can see the opportunities that lie in wait for me to experience love beyond my wildest dreams now that I am once again fully open.
..and for that I am eternally grateful. I would have never made these changes to my life without having had them crash down upon me, so thank you.
Thank you for helping me to find my movement and my flow once again in this life.
Thank you for guiding me towards even greater, grander experiences in this life.
Thank you for helping me to find my way to this path, moving towards such amazing happiness, happiness so immense that it was unimaginable to me just days ago.
Thank you for pulling me back into this slingshot. I am ready to be released, I am ready to be launched into the unknown. I am open and willing to move towards immeasurable happiness and enormous growth, towards exorbitant love and gigantic abundance, towards passionate friendship and fantastic creativity. Thank you Universe, thank you, thank you.
In deepest gratitude,