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Summer Solstice Eve Sound Healing Journeywork ~ ONLINE EVENT

Summer Solstice Eve Sound Healing Journeywork

June 19, 2020 6-7:30pm EDT (GMT-4)
$20 Registration:

Summer Solstice (in the northern-hemisphere) seems like an extra potent event in 2020 with all of the changes that we have been undergoing as a worldwide civilization. With all that's going on it has become obvious that we are in the midst of something that is out of the ordinary. Are we in the midst of the massive energetic changes that we've been talking about and expecting in this time period? Yes, I believe so.

On the eve of the Solstice, Friday June 19th, let's join together in sacred sound to clear out any blockages and bring ourselves into our highest state of energetic alignment. From the state of our own energetic alignment we can set the intention to bring ourselves into resonance with with higher frequency energies that we are being inundated with at this time. These higher frequency energies have been affecting our whole solar system including the Earth and all people on this planet for some time now...but things seem to be picking up as of late.

When we are out of alignment with these higher frequencies that are affecting our whole planet it can have a negative affect on our state of consciousness. I think we may be seeing some of this in the world right now, human behavior certainly seems more erratic than usual as of late.

When we bring ourselves into a higher state of alignment we are not only greatly helping our own physical and emotion well being, we are helping others as well. By holding this resonant state we can help others to be able to entrain with it. We can affect positive change in this world by coming into the space of our highest alignment, when we do this in groups this effect is greatly amplified!

The truth is that we have an unparalleled opportunity.

We are not victims, we are each powerful creators. Remember this important fact. From the space of our highest alignment moving into resonance with these higher frequency energies we can create a new world. We can OPEN OURSELVES back up, RAISE OUR VIBRATION, and MOVE INTO RESONANCE with the NEW EARTH that we dream of.

Guided by former Universal Recording Artist, Ben Carroll, we will utilize the energy of the group coming together to amplify our intention as we experience Ben's 4+ octave voice, quartz crystal singing bowls, solfeggio tubes, coupled with elements like binaural beats designed to help us go even deeper.

More info on Ben Carroll:
Facebook Event:

Enjoy this experience from the comfort of your own home, all you need is:
*Access to the internet and Facebook
*A quiet space where you can remain uninterrupted for 90 minutes
*Blankets, pillows, and wherever will make you comfortable laying down. (Remaining seated is also an option if that better serves you)
*Stereo Headphones (The higher the quality, the better the sound, but any headphones will do)

June 19, 2020 6-7:30pm EDT (GMT-4)
$20 Registration: