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We are already and have always been beings of light

We are already, and have always been, beings of light, but we are currently undergoing a process of transformation within our physical existence. We are shedding density, becoming lighter as we shed that which no longer serves us, and shed that which is no longer in resonance with our raising vibration and our expanding consciousness.

We are remembering who we truly are. We are moving into the realization that we are made of light, and realizing that our light is refracted through the many layers of this multidimensional existence. We are remembering our connection to our higher selves, and remembering how to work through that connection. We are receiving information and guidance on a much more conscious and direct level then the subtle synchronicities that have guided us in the past.

We are beings of light. As we become lighter in density we are able to start understanding these greater truths about ourselves...that we are beings of infinite awareness and that our consciousness can move throughout all of infinity...once untethered from the denser energies. We are raising our vibration up to hold a higher resonance, and in doing so we are taking one step closer to our higher untethered consciousness. We are shedding the density of this physical existence as we have known it...transmuting the denser energies. We are Becoming Light.

My newest album Becoming Light will be released out into the world tomorrow!!! (Oct 18th) This is an album related to the transitional process that we are to help with this sometimes difficult transition.

If you purchase Becoming Light, please feel free to use it in your yoga class, in your healing practice, in your own projects, or in another way - you have my permission, and most important, enjoy the music! May it bring you happiness and bliss.