I'm honored to return to the Live this Life Podcast for another episode with my good friend Heath Cummings. This was such a great conversation!
Read MoreThe Resonance of Abundance
Abundance is a state of being that encompasses much more than just material wealth.
Read MoreIntuition ✨ Are You Listening?
I wanted to a few moments to talk about what I see as the most important thing that you can do for yourself...
Read MoreHow can sound help us to heal our physical body?
Sound can help a person move into a state of clarity. All of the distractions and the seeming very important things that are really quite unimportant tend to drop away upon releasing oneself into sacred sound. This leaves us with a deeper connection
Read MoreA multidimensional reality is a reality of many perspectives
This point in time is bringing much change for many people. New connections to higher dimensional aspects of yourselves allow you access to different information than you've had access to in the past. A lot of this new information that is coming in may be in conflict with information that has been taught to you within the construct of your current timeline worldview.
Read MoreThis is the revolution that will change the world...
Raise your vibration to the point where you feel bliss in this world. From this higher perspective you are able to see how interconnected you truly are to everything. Your energy weaves and flows with your surroundings, with your neighbors, with the plants & minerals, and with the air/atmosphere, with... When you are in tune your energy can wrap around the whole of this planet, vibrating with the state of bliss that the deep interconnection you feel aligns you with.
Read MoreDo you remember your childhood superpowers?
For many years you have held your frequency stuck in one position (think of a jammed radio dial.) You have been trained and programmed in this way since the day you came onto this planet. As children most of you have memories of traveling energetically, of energetic expansion and contraction, of traveling without your body. Many of you have written off these memories…
Read MoreExploring Your Energy Field
Today I wanted to share an exercise for becoming more aware of your body's energetic field. The human body is surrounded by an energy field moving in the flow of a torus, known as the toroidal field...
Read MoreFlow With the Go
In order to open your heart you must open yourself to change. Time is an illusion. All that exists is a constant state of vibrational flux, change and flow...
Read MoreRevolution is a Community of Love and Change
Revolution! In a world of nuclear bombs and guided missiles the true revolution, the only way to have an effective revolution is to have a revolution of consciousness.
Lets Create A New World.
I've come to realize that most of the time the fear and anxiety we feel is just the result of stories that we tell ourselves in our mind. These stories hold no relevance to anything that is actually happening in the world...
Read MoreI've Been Quiet For Long Enough
I've been quiet for long enough. I've come to the point in my life where I feel it's not longer in my best interest to stay quiet. This world is at a teetering point...right here...right now...
Read MoreShifting into a New World
I think a large part of this great shift of consciousness that everyone has been talking about will come with the realization that matter actually comes forth out of consciousness, or at least that will be a major catalyst...
Read MoreThe 5 Truths
If you start to shift your consciousness towards believing that matter comes forth out of mind then “Spirit” must come first. Once you come to this understanding then you'll see that the current system of knowing is backwards...
Read MoreBe Present
Be present.
Our day to day actions come from the sub-conscious mind about 95% of the time because our conscious mind is caught up in thoughts of the past or thoughts of the future; remembering, planning, worrying, self-critiquing...this tends to be the nature of our existence as a human. We tend to live our lives on autopilot, lost in our thoughts and therefore our actions end up being run by our sub-conscious mind because we are not attentive to this present moment. It's time to re-condition ourselves.
The reality that has been ingrained into most everyone in our culture's sub-conscious mind is a reality in which we believe and perceive that the fundamental nature of existence is one in which mind comes forth out of matter. We are conditioned to believe that we are tied to our genes, we were born as who we are and that this is who we will always be...a victim to our genetics and a victim to our place in the world. But this is not true, we are not victims.
We have now begun to pass a turning point in our awareness. We now are starting to understand that mind is not created out of matter, but that matter comes forth out of the mind. We are a consciousness experiencing and creating a reality for ourselves.
Once you come to the realization that the conscious mind creates your reality, you must also realize that you cannot find truth or know the true nature of anything from thoughts related to matter. Truth must come from spirit energy, source energy, the universe...or whatever you want to call it. We are starting to wake up to this awareness. But our sub-conscious mind hasn't gotten the memo.
If we do not break the cycle of letting the sub-conscious mind run the show based on a set of truths that we no longer find valid, we will continue to live in a state of eternal recurrence where we sub-consciously make the same choices over and over, individually and culturally. Our sub-conscious programming comes from what we learned in the first 6 years of our lives, because this first 6 years of life experience shaped our sub-conscious version of reality. Break the cycle. Consciously re-write your sub-conscious conditioning.
We can change the programming of our sub-conscious mind if we keep at it. We just have to be present and attentive to what we are letting our minds and bodies do and when you find yourself sub-consciously performing an action or thinking a thought that no longer resonates with your current reality, correct yourself.
Be conscious and fully aware of your actions.
Just a reminder to myself that I wanted to share with you...
Be present.