We live in a complicated world...to say the least. The current state of our society often leads us to functioning from within a state of fight-or-flight, which is a high anxiety state.
Read MorePiercing the Veil with Sound
It's interesting how music can hold emotional memories long forgotten by the conscious mind, like a portal back to our energy center's functionality within a particular time when that particular music made its impact.
Read MoreExperiencing positive and negative vibrational entrainment with others
As you get better at reading the energy of a person or a room of people you will also get better at protecting your energy from entrainment with the energetic patterns of others that are a mismatched with your own.
Read MoreShifting Perceptions
Sometimes you can take a 2nd look and see something completely different...things are not always what they seem and sometimes our definitions can hold a thing within our mind to try and be something that it is not.
Read MoreYou are truly infinite
Please help us to remember that beneath all of this ice and snow there is still a strong current of infinite flow.
Read MoreDeep in the quiet of winter
Deep in the quiet of winter...a good time for contemplation...a good time to go within and find new melodies for the harmony of your life.
Read MoreFocus
Where we place our focus bends the world around us. What are you focusing on? Are you focusing on kindness? Are you focusing on compassion? Are you focusing on happiness? Remember, you can always turn your world on it's head in any single moment. So, what are you focusing on?
Read MoreTrust in yourself
Listen to your intuition...your higher self. You already know. The answers that you are looking for, they've always been with you...
Read MoreBreathe.
Breathe. Our breath is directly connected to our state of consciousness.
Read MoreStop with songs and just be music
Stop with songs and just be music....let go and flow with the primordial flow.
Read MoreNamaste
Close your eyes. Think about someone, whoever comes to mind first. What are you thinking about?
Read MoreI=E+T
“I” = E (ego) + T (time) - “I” think, therefore “I” am...but are you more than what you think? The ego projects itself into the past and future, that is where the ego lives, in another imagined time, NOT in this present moment.
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