I don't care who you vote for. I believe that it is your right to make up your own mind and choose for yourself. Remember when people actually believed this??
Read MoreBreak the Cycle ~ Citizens of Earth Episode 4
Once we realize that we are creating our own reality within this multidimensional Universe, then we will realize that loving ourselves means that we are loving the whole world and all of existence in it's entirety. All of the people, all of the structures, all of the control patterns, the good and the bad...all originates from within us.
Read MoreThe Resonance of Kindness ~ Citizens of Earth Episode 3
We live in a time of great awakening. We are all feeling changes happening on this planet, and we are all searching for answers at this time. This is such a wonderful time to be alive on this planet as we start to awaken to...
Read MoreCitizens of Earth Episode 2
It can seem that, in this world, we all have the cards stacked against us...it can seem that we are trapped in an endless cycle of just working to survive.....and it seems that more and more of us are struggling to be able to even keep that bare minimum going. Why?
Read MoreWe may be in the most important pivotal point in our history...which way will we go?
What if all that we have learned and all that has been entrained into us, the way we function within this reality...the whole structure that we've set up for our civilization to function within, what if we have it all completely wrong? What if we are really cutting ourselves off from our true powers?
Read MoreWe live in a time of great awakening
This is such a wonderful time to be alive on this planet as humanity starts to awaken to the truth of who we are and the inherent powers that we have forgotten...
Read MoreCitizens of Earth
What does freedom look like to you? Is freedom having enough money to thrive in this world? How much money is enough to thrive in this world today anyways?
Read MoreThe Lever
What if all of the time that you have been wishing and dreaming, wanting and screaming, all of this time that you have been struggling to hold this lever down, just to try and get by, just to struggle through this world, just to keep your head above water...what if you have been holding this lever in the off position? What if all you ever needed to do was just let go?
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