The 20th century version of capitalism has us pit against each other. In this mindset, human lives are profited from and potentially forfeited if that life is not cost effective, or not generating significant profit. It's time for a new model...
Read MoreCitizens of Earth Episode 2
It can seem that, in this world, we all have the cards stacked against can seem that we are trapped in an endless cycle of just working to survive.....and it seems that more and more of us are struggling to be able to even keep that bare minimum going. Why?
Read MoreHow to change the world...
When your relationship with this world changes, this world will change as well.
Read MoreFreedom
Freedom is not about doing whatever you want, it's about knowing what works for you.
Read MoreEvolution is cooperation
Evolution is cooperation, Darwin had it backwards. "Survival of the fittest" only serves to topple the system.
Read MoreWe are in one infinite moment
We are in one infinite moment. All possibilities exist right here. It is infinity within a closed space. The future determines your present now as much as your past does, yet neither exist in this moment except as programs that hold you where you are in this moment.
Read MoreIntuition is that inner knowing
Intuition is that inner knowing, that space beyond words about things, where true potential and the true present moment lie...
Read MoreYou are infinite.
Let loose all of the programs that bind you, all of the fear, all of the judgments...greed, jealousy, mistrust, inadequacy, shame...all of it...
Read MoreListen to your intuition.
Let go of the culturally imposed structures you've been surrounded by. Be grateful for your freedom, your openness, your connection, and the understanding of that connection that you are starting to have...
Read MoreStatic belief systems only seem to cause energy blockages
In this time/space reality we're dealing with pliable energies, not solid forms. Intent & beliefs take a large role in forming the structure that the energy takes on. Static belief systems only seem to cause energy blockages...
Read MoreWe may be in the most important pivotal point in our history...which way will we go?
What if all that we have learned and all that has been entrained into us, the way we function within this reality...the whole structure that we've set up for our civilization to function within, what if we have it all completely wrong? What if we are really cutting ourselves off from our true powers?
Read MoreSomething important.
The beauty of living in a holographic Universe is that when we are ready to seek out our higher truth, no matter where we look we will find our answers...
Read More"A Gathering of the Tribe" by Charles Eisenstein
I very rarely (never) share other peoples words here, but this is home.
"A Gathering of the Tribe" by Charles Eisenstein
Shifting Perceptions
Sometimes you can take a 2nd look and see something completely different...things are not always what they seem and sometimes our definitions can hold a thing within our mind to try and be something that it is not.
Read MoreImportant questions
How would humanity change if instead of material wealth, consciousness was our highest value?
Read MoreYou are truly infinite
Please help us to remember that beneath all of this ice and snow there is still a strong current of infinite flow.
Read MoreBe present. Be aware.
Be present. Be aware. Recognize if your current experience is creating resonance within you, or creating dissonance within you...
Read MoreDeep in the quiet of winter
Deep in the quiet of winter...a good time for contemplation...a good time to go within and find new melodies for the harmony of your life.
Read MoreFocus
Where we place our focus bends the world around us. What are you focusing on? Are you focusing on kindness? Are you focusing on compassion? Are you focusing on happiness? Remember, you can always turn your world on it's head in any single moment. So, what are you focusing on?
Read MoreTrust in yourself
Listen to your intuition...your higher self. You already know. The answers that you are looking for, they've always been with you...
Read More