Shadow Work ⚡ Out of the Shadows, Into The Light
That first moment we step out of our own shadow into the light is the brightest that the light will be from our perspective. This is the moment when we finally feel awake, alive, and connected. We finally start having a greater understanding of the deeper nature of our being...multidimensionality.
Shadow work is what makes this possible. Confronting those parts of yourself that cast those shadows is so important...we must do this individually and collectively...and we are doing this. All of the turbulence of this time is preparing us for that magnificent step...out of the darkness into the light.
Everything is changing.
This clip is from the last 90 minute online Sound Healing Journeywork event.
Join us for the next event on 10/16
Releasing and Raising our Vibration Sound Healing Journeywork
October 16, 2020, 6-7:30pm Eastern Time
Releasing the denser energies, stepping out of those shadows is the largest catalyst for vibration shifting.