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Message to the Starseeds ~ May 2020

We are in the time when everything changes.

“The Connection” must be the highest source of who you are. You must remember how to function within this world from that place of Connection...not from a place of ego. The ego is a tool, an effective tool, but not always the right tool. In this time nothing is what it seems, so the ego is the wrong tool for a lot of what is going on here because you must prepare to be wrong about many things. Recognize that as long as you are holding “the higher resonance” it is okay to be wrong...don't let your ego tell you otherwise.

*The Connection referred to is a very specific energetic connection to the galactic core, which is the power source for the Hologram that we are in, and the source of the higher frequency energies coming into our system at this time that are so important to come into resonance with.

Right now things are beginning to really come to a head. People are being manipulated into places of extreme polarization. This polarization is causing massive amounts of fear and anger, not the polarization itself, because that was always there, but the extremely tight grasping of sides. This extreme polarization invites and massively amplifies the fear and anger. The truth is that a lot of the specifics that you can see on either side are just another puppet show. That division and the strong belief on BOTH sides of that division create a container which has been carefully designed to facilitate and amplify the resonance of fear and anger.

Division is the goal. This is the program that the cabal (or whatever you'd like to call them) is attempting to run.

The ego chooses sides. The Connection holds the higher resonance that will dissipate the fear and anger. Be in the world, but not of it.

As always with the cabal, on one level both sides of the war are really the same side. Division is the goal, because division is the perfect container for building and holding the resonance of fear and anger. This is the true goal of the cabal, because when a group of people are holding and amplifying the resonance of fear and anger it blocks out the higher resonances. People are actually being manipulated into making a choice to block out the higher resonance coming into this system at this time, whether they realize they are making that choice or not.

Both sides of humanity in this polarity want the same thing. They just see different pathways. The more of the lower resonance that is created, the greater humanity will feel a type of madness in their consciousness as this lower resonance creates dissonance with the higher frequencies entering our system at this time. When you tune into the Connection this madness can be dissipated.

The higher energies entering our system are intense, and are only growing stronger by the day. The buffers that were in place to help ease us into this transition have been gone for awhile now. The only way to (temporarily) block out these higher frequencies at this time is to choose to intentionally create an opposing force of resonance en masse. This is what the cabal wants, they need us to make the choice to align with a lower resonance so that they will be able hold on to their power for as long as possible. If we hold ourselves in opposition to the higher resonance entering our system for too long the transitioning to the higher resonance will come abruptly and will tear our world apart. This is what they want. They know that their game is over, but they want to break all the toys before they leave.

I'm being guided to NOT choose a side in the polarity. All will come to the light in time. (That is my guidance, you must listen to your own.)

I'm being shown two poles, and the further they are pulled apart the greater energetic charge there is being created in between them. This energy is being created to further their plan. They are manipulating us into using our own power against ourselves. Once again WE (the collective WE) hold the power...once again WE just don't know it.

Right now the cabal is all in with this extreme polarity game. They are willing to lay bare many of their deeply guarded, very disturbing secrets to achieve this. They think that it does not matter, this is the endgame. This also means that right now is an opportunity for the truth diggers. The hidden truths about how grotesquely we've been manipulated are right there out in the open...but there are manipulations within the releasing of these secrets as well, misinformation layered within the truth...always lies built on truth built on lies built on truth. Unending deceptions to continue the division.

They think that they are working both sides of this war, as they do in every war. We are counting on that, because we know what they do, and it WILL backfire this really already has, but it just hasn't come to pass. There is too much of the higher resonance here, it's too late for that ploy to work, and we are continually anchoring in more and more of the higher resonance. We are already on the ascension timeline. This has already come to pass.

The energy being manipulated by the cabal between the two poles will ultimately be used against them to short circuit their whole dark plan. A strong charge of Connecting energy will do that at any point now. That is why we are here, to continue building that higher resonance, to create that ARC of energy that ignites the change.

Step back from the polarity. Let other people do their jobs. Not everyone is the same.

I am here to act as a transducer, that is what I came here for. My job is to channel this higher resonance, to help others to entrain to this Connection, and in coming together, to amplify this higher resonance. Many are here with the specific purpose of anchoring this resonance, and transducers are here to help them hold as much of it as they can.

Others have the job of bringing as much to the surface as they can in this time, while adding as little as possible to the polarity...Disclosure on many that we can move rapidly forward very soon.

The censorship that is occurring so obviously right now is actually to draw in attention, not divert attention away. It is intentionally obvious. The intention is to make it very easy to see the censorship so that it will amplify fear and anger. This is to solidify the beliefs of those on the corresponding side of the polarity, to make them angry so that they will go up against those holding the opposite side of polarity in confrontation. This is to strengthen the division, and to manipulate people to continue to amplify the resonance of fear, anger, and uncertainty. Just be aware of how invested you become in the narrative, don't let that diminish your connection.

Censorship is intentionally obvious, around the topics that they think will bring the most fuel to their fire so to say. The Clintons are one of these topics. Vaccines / Bill Gates are one of these topics. This probably means that they are being hung out to dry, these are not really the ones in power. The ones in power don't show themselves. Of course they most certainly will roll out mandatory vaccines and 5G if they are allowed to, but that is not THE goal. Their goal is to strengthen the resonance of fear and anger through manipulated division to block out the higher resonance for as long as possible. They want us to tear each other apart, they want us on the timeline of destruction.

I assure you we are not on that timeline.

Hold the connection.