Intuition ✨ Are You Listening?
I wanted to a few moments to talk about what I see as the most important thing that you can do for yourself...which is to foster your own remember how to hear that inner voice whispering those deep, deep actually hear it and believe it...and to actually follow were it leads you.
So much of our lives have been spent being trained to look for information outside of ourselves. We've been incessantly trained that other people hold the answers that we are seeking, and that we should be looking for authority figures to tell us what we should be doing in all areas of our life.
I think that we are far more powerful than we've been led to believe and that a lot of the answers can be found within us if we can remember how to listen to that deep inner voice, the one that's always there, and not doubt it, not push it away...but actually just move into a space of deep listening. There is so much available inside of each of us.
I have so many people reaching out to me all the time, asking me about what they can do to heal themselves, or how they can shift their consciousness, or so many different types of questions. And you know what? I always ultimately end up saying the same thing, that you need to follow your own intuition...and I'm not blowing you off by saying that, that is truly what I believe.
Nobody has the answers that you're seeking. People might be able to inspire you to find them. People might be able to help you find the path that's going to lead you to that information...but that information ultimately will come from within. That is what I firmly believe.
We've been trained to the point where we completely disregard our own intuition, see it as frivolous, see it as something that is that is totally unviable. I think that is a major tragedy.
I think that we need to start remembering the true power that we hold within, and start trusting ourselves, knowing that we hold the answers we seek within. You can find the way to heal yourself. You can find the way to live and thrive in this world. All the answers are already within you. Once you start slowing down, letting go of the craziness of this world, the go, go, go, go...always keep moving forward, never stopping energy.
Remember how to be in stillness. Sitting back and listening to what comes up within that is where the most potent and powerful information that I have found comes from. And I know that you have that same connection within you. So stop, take a breath and remember to look inwards. You'll be surprised what you find.